Foam / Water Turret PYTHON

Extinguishing systems and components
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ZIEGLER provides a comprehensive range of water, foam and powder turrets. Thanks to the long-standing experience in development of such turrets an optimum adjustment to the ZIEGLER pump technology and the ZIEGLER proportioning systems has been achieved. Thus, excellent performance values at high reliability are guaranteed. Based on the corresponding intended pump output the matching pump, turret and proportioner configuration can be arranged for any requirement. The variety of the ZIEGLER turrets worldwide in use bears witness to the quality, reliability and the technical progress of these products.

At the foam-water turrets the foaming ratio is depending on the used foaming agent concentrate and is on average at 1:6 up to 1:8 with protein foaming agents, at 1:12 up to 1:15 with synthetic foaming agents. Features of the ZIEGLER turrets are the optimum throws and the small friction losses thanks to the aerodynamically efficient supply of extinguishing agent.

Joints on ball bearings with mechanic or gas spring-supported force balancing provide high stability against shocks during driving and vibrations as well as the smooth running of all movements. Due to use of sea-water and brackish water-resistant aluminium alloys a high corrosion resistance at light-weight design is achieved. All water-bearing parts are anodized. At foam pipes up to 3000 l/min a self-aspiration of the foam agentcan be arranged. Turrets without self-aspiration are available with a switchable flow rate reduction to 50 %.

The adjustment of the jet pattern is made by deflectors or multiplegallonage nozzles also being particularly suitable for mixtures of AFFF and water. Air foam branchpipes are designed as combination pipes for water and/or air foams as well as for AFFF-foams.

At all remote-controlled turrets a central cable duct and an emergency manual operation are provided.