GW-L Equipment vehicle

Rescuer and Equipment vehicles
Equipment vehicles

Equipment Vehicle – Logistics

The share of technical aid to the firefighting keeps on increasing. The fire deparments must be conceptually prepared. The ZIEGLER Equipment Vehicle here offers the optimal solution.

The wide spectrum of its applications ranges from classic superstructure of a water supply over long distances to the large flood or storm usage.

Our modular, flexible loading system is based on roll containers. It is possible to reverse charge the correct device or the proper equipment, depending on the usage, by means of a hydraulic tail lift and safely put them on the ground.  

For the loading of the container, there are special requirements without limitation. Lighting units can be implemented as ventilation components, respiratory protection or hydraulic rescue equipment, submersible pumps or the folded hoses.

ZIEGLER Equipment Vehicles are built either on chassis with a total weight up to 7.49 tons or on that of 16-ton class, for both the street as well with all-wheel drive. A crew cabin all can be implemented by a squad – up to the group cabin.

Aktuelle Auslieferungen GW-L


ZIEGLER GW-L 1 to the fire department of Hattorf

27. February 2024 | Vehicle deliveries

On 27.02.2024, we delivered a GW-L 1 to the fire department of Hattorf.

Latest deliveries

ZIEGLER GW-L 1 to the fire department of Adelepsen

22. December 2023 | Vehicle deliveries

On 22.12.2023, we delivered a GW-L 1 to the fire department of Adelepsen.

Latest deliveries

ZIEGLER GW-L 1 to the fire department of Brüssow

05. December 2023 | Vehicle deliveries

On 05.12.2023, we delivered a GW-L 1 to the fire department of Brüssow.

Latest deliveries