Fire Jeep

Special Vehicles
Fire Jeep

Our Superstructure Concept: Their experience, our expertise “Know-How”

In rural areas, it is important to have a vehicle for the fire brigades that ensures a successful initial deployment - regardless of whether it is a fire, smaller cases or technical assistance. We offer a vehicle concept with our TSF-W, which fully meets these requirements. By choosing the right chassis, we make a fire engine "Made by Ziegler" - according to the standards and the Ziegler ALPAS Superstructure Concept, with enough space for your individual needs.

Good reasons to choose Ziegler

  • Decades of “Know-how” in the manufacture of fire fighting vehicles
  • Unique aluminum panel system ALPAS to reduce the weight
  • Fully variable equipment and component cases
  • Fire fighting vehicles, equipment and hoses from one single source 
  • Proven Ziegler fire extinguishing pumps with patented Trokomat-vent technology
  • Patented cabin concept Ziegler Z-Cab
  • Firefighting vehicles, equipment and hoses from a single source
  • Comprehensive service and spare parts warranty