60-year old firefighting vehicle stays in Giengen

24. June 2024 | Press releases

ZIEGLER and Steiff preserve a piece of history

A second life for the LF 8 of the Steiff plant fire department: With the upcoming dissolution of the plant fire department of the traditional Giengen-based company Steiff, those responsible had to make a decision about the future whereabouts of the fire engine that Steiff purchased from ZIEGLER in 1963.
Originally used by ZIEGLER as a demonstration vehicle, the firefighting vehicle was handed over to the Steiff plant fire department in March 1963 and has represented a significant part of the company's history ever since. With the future takeover of fire protection by the city of Giengen, the Steiff GmbH plant fire dpeartment will soon be disbanded. At the same time, solutions were sought for the whereabouts of the vehicle. 

After a joint meeting, Albert Ziegler GmbH, another long-established company in Giengen, accepted the offer to take back the LF 8 and keep it in their own museum as a piece of the city's history.
The vehicle is still in good condition after all its years of service. All documents, such as the loading plan and the purchase contract, were also carefully stored by Steiff GmbH and handed over to ZIEGLER.

"It is a matter of course for us to preserve this piece of history" says Matthias Mühlbacher, Head of Marketing at ZIEGLER. "The vehicle will find a nice place in our company museum". In the course of the vehicle handover, Albert Ziegler GmbH also showed its appreciation with an exclusive factory tour and later a cozy get-together with the comrades of the Steiff plant fire department.

Click here to watch a short video about the handover of the vehicle. 

press release


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